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Behind the Canvas - Coast to Coast

Your name/where you're from: Dale from Boston, MA


How did you learn to needlepoint? What was your first needlepoint project?
My grandmother introduced me to needlepoint when I was about ten years old. I was always in awe when she brought me into the Needlepoint Shop so I would get so excited when she invited me to join. I still have the first pillow that I ever finished (which my mom designed for me) and I have been stitching ever since!

What is your favorite stitch? What stitch are you hoping to learn/do next?
When it comes to stitches, I am pretty basic! I love a classic continental or basketweave! However, I am working on finishing some big stockings, I have been branching out to try some new stitches that provide unique textures.

What are your favorite threads to use? 
Vineyard Silk without hesitation. Although, over the last few years I have really enjoyed working more with Silk and Ivory.


What made you want to paint your own pieces?
I have been designing my own needlepoint canvases for as long as I can remember.  However, when I am dreaming up a new design I usually start by free stitching. As I began sharing my designs with family and friends, I decided to begin painting so they could stitch along as well. 

Describe your canvases in three words: Coastal (is that a cop out?!), blue, and white
What inspires you most when creating new designs?
I personally love designing projects that can be made into gifts or something meaningful. I am always thinking about where the finished product is going to live and who is going to use it.

What has been your favorite canvas to paint?
The Allie Clutch! It’s one I could paint in my sleep without a chart.

What has been your favorite canvas to stitch?
The Dallas Clutch and the Coastal Keychain!

What is one piece of advice for painting your own canvas?
Don’t be intimidated and start in the right place (counting rows to measure will be your best friend)! 


Where is your favorite place to stitch?
If you're not needlepointing you're… working my day job, spending time with family and friends, hanging at the beach, or exploring a new restaurant 
What three items do you always have in your project bag? It’s truly a Mary Poppins bag… the question is what don’t I have in my project bag :)

What shows are you currently watching?
My guilty pleasure is anything on Bravo. So, whatever shows are currently airing! 

What is your favorite podcast?
I have become my mother… I listen to the news every morning as I get ready for work. When I am looking for something else to listen to, my go to is true crime.

Who is your favorite needlepoint or non-needlepoint follow on Instagram right now?
I can’t just name one, I love to see what other designers and stitchers are dreaming up. 

If time and money were no issue, what type of needlepoint project would you want to do?
I rug or a bench cushion! However, I don’t know if I would ever have the heart to step on a needlepoint rug once finished. 

What is your most popular canvas?
The Mel and Dallas clutches have been fan favorites recently.

What is your favorite canvas you’ve designed?
My clutch line! I designed and stitched those canvases as bridesmaids gifts for all the ladies that stood next to me on my wedding day. Each canvas is named after the bridesmaid it was originally designed for! 

What is your favorite new accessories launch item?
The acrylic trays and coasters. I love a practical needlepoint finish that you can use every day.

What are you most excited about in 2025? Officially being part of this wonderful collective community!
Where do you see Penny Linn in 5 years? The sky is the limit, time to dream up more designs and self finishing options.

Where can people find your designs? (website, LNS)
Penny Linn! 

Where can people follow you on social?