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Behind the Canvas - Grey Hall Design

Your name/where you're from: Grey Hall / Cincinnati, Ohio


When did you first hear about needlepoint? 
At a very early age, i noticed needlepoint belts and shoes because they are a texture form of art.  I just love how they tell a story with colorful thread.  When I got engaged, I decided to design a needlepoint belt for my fiancé as his wedding-day gift.  It was such fun determining which icons best showcased his hobbies and love that it's his favorite belt 10 years later!

What design of yours are you most excited to see translated into needlepoint?  
While enjoying a lovely wedding in Edgartown, my eyes landed on the most picturesque view on the horizon of the iconic Chappy Beach Club red, white and blue cabanas...dear friends graciously extended an invitation to join them for the afternoon and i couldn't help but paint this little slice of heaven as a 'Thank You' note.  I just love that the cabanas are referenced as MyToi ~ a small Japanese-style garden in their architectural lines and will forever enjoy the memory of this trip. 


What made you want to paint your own pieces?  
While at The Southern C Summit, I had the privilege of being placed at the same mentor table with Krista and we instantly clicked being both female entrepreneurs + creatives!  Striking up a conversation at Sea Island about the wonderful potential to collaborate and translate a library of watercolors to needlepoint was absolutely energizing! 

Describe your designs in three words: 
Colorful, imaginative, nostalgic

What inspires you most when creating new designs?  
Gardens, traveling, nature and imagination!  I dream in color and love translating them to vivid, whimsical scenes that tell a story.

What has been your favorite series to paint?  
The Equestrian series because Cincinnati sits on the Mason-Dixon line and thus, hopping across the Ohio River to be whisked away to horse country for a picture perfect weekend is the quintessential Spring of Fall event!
What has been your favorite series to see living in other people’s homes?  As a silk scarf designer, it is very flattering when the wearable art I create is framed as a museum piece on a wall.  The impact, pop, and color of watercolor translated to silk twill , framed and hug is show-stopping and at the same time, quite humbling when my art is chosen for this purpose.

Where is your favorite place to paint?  
Pointe au Baril on Georgian Bay in Canada is my most favorite place on earth.  For generations, my family has ventured north to this rustic destination and every year I take my watercolors.  Painting while sitting on the granite rocks, surrounded by windblown pine trees, hearing loons call fuels my soul.
If you're not painting watercolor you're...  
Playing chase with my young son, tennis or pickleball!
What three items do you always have in your everywhere bag?  
A scarf (because it's the Swiss army knife to looking polished even in yoga pants!), lipstick (because it even gives a quick pop of color to your cheeks!), and my iphone (because i love snapping pictures of anything in nature that i Must paint later!)
What shows are you currently watching?  
TV... what's that! Kidding, IF I only had time, ha!  On my list is Ted Lasso... I'm late to the party, but hear it's so good!
What is your favorite podcast?  
How'd She Do That! I adore Emily Landers and her interview style; and LOVE the opportunity to be inspired by other women making a business from their passion.

Who is your favorite artist or non-artist follow on Instagram right now? 
The Underwater World @venueearth ; capturing new, living things in the depths of the ocean that are absolutely breathtaking ... I want to paint them!!  Whether a polka-dot seahorse, neon-striped octopus, or strange and unusual fish-like organism that flutters it's ruffled edge dancing in the current, I am equally captivated and mind-blown by all that is to be discovered!
If time and money were no issue, what type of water color project would you want to do?  
Hands-down, paint gorgeous silk fabrics with imaginative scenes from exotic destinations around the world and then sew these garments into beautiful dresses with no shortage of feminine details!
What inspires you creatively?  
I continue to be in awe of the breathtaking beauty in nature.  The print and pattern of fur among animas in Africa, the stunning color of feathers among birds in flight, even hues within scales of reptiles ~ it all informs the fashion runway.

What are you most excited about in 2024  
Collaborations!!  Meeting other inspiring "do-ers" and ideating the possibilities of watercolor storytelling on ​__ X, Y, Z___ as a blank canvas for endless potential of cross-pollination between talented and complementary businesses. 
Where can people find your designs?
Soon at your LNS and 

Where can people follow you on social?