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Behind the Canvas: Kyra Cotter Designs

We are so excited to introduce our newest collective designer, Kyra Cotter Designs, to the Penny Linn family! Kyra has some truly wonderful designs that we know you are going to love and we're so honored she chose to become a collective designer. She is a wonderful addition to The Collective and we can't wait to see what else she has in store for us.

Let's get to know Kyra a little more below!
Kyra Cotter Designs: Penny Linn Collective
First off, introduce yourself, share where you're from:
I'm Kyra Cotter and I'm from New Jersey (born and raised!)

Where can people find your designs? (website, LNS) and your local LNS

Where can people follow you on social?

@kyracotterdesigns (formerly @kmc_stitches)


How did you learn to needlepoint? What was your first needlepoint project?

I’m a pandemic stitcher. I picked up the hobby while on maternity leave at the end of 2020. I had cross stitched when I was younger and had always been intrigued by needlepoint. I impulsively bought my first kit (and maybe two or three more canvases) and the rest is history! I taught myself via YouTube and the wonderful beginner resources on the Penny Linn Designs blog. My first project was an ornament for my daughter's first Christmas. I even self-finished it that year. I now stitch an ornament for her every year.

What is your favorite stitch? What stitch are you hoping to learn/do next?

My favorite tent stitch is basketweave and my favorite decorative stitch is woven.

What are your favorite threads to use? 

I love 100% silk threads like Planet Earth Silk, Pepper Pot Silk, or Vineyard Silk Classic.


What made you want to paint your own pieces?

I was looking for (another) creative outlet as I was unsatisfied at my day job. I’ve since started a new job but I find so much joy in designing. I like to keep busy with things that fill my cup.  

Describe your canvases in three words:

Fun, colorful and happy

What inspires you most when creating new designs?

My everyday life! My other hobbies, my family, music - anything really. I just keep an eye out for things I like and usually a design idea immediately pops into my head.

What has been your favorite canvas to paint?

One More Chapter since it’s simple and includes my favorite colors.

What has been your favorite canvas to stitch?

The floral scissor case. It’s not too big but not too small and I love the colors.

What is one piece of advice for painting your own canvas?

Patience! Take your time painting and enjoy the process. I’m a perfectionist but I’m also impatient so it’s much easier for me to say this than to practice it myself.


Where is your favorite place to stitch?

Outside on a warm, sunny day in a comfy chair. 

If you're not needlepointing you're...

Reading, spending time with my daughter, working out, watching trashy reality TV or the latest Marvel movie/series.

What three items do you always have in your project bag?

Stitches to Go, a needle puller, and a needle threader.

What shows are you currently watching?

The final season of Ozark with my husband and Moon Knight and Downton Abbey on my own.

What is your favorite podcast?

Bad on Paper

Who is your favorite needlepoint or non-needlepoint follow on Instagram right now?

My fave needlepoint account is @plumdesign_. Everything they post - inspiration and designs - is dreamy.

My fave non-needlepoint accounts (aside from Krista 😊 @kristarobertso) are @carly, @graceatwood, and @beachreadsandbubbly. It’s hard to pick just one!

If time and money were no issue, what type of needlepoint project would you want to do?

A stand-up Christmas village complete with a horse and carriage, bakery, post office, general store, etc. All the small town essentials! 

 A big thanks to Kyra for taking the time to answer these questions for us! Her collective designs will launch to the public on June 22nd!